
Pearls Literary Club is a place for writers , poets , artists, spoken word artists to express the art they know and love best, to readers and audiences who want to learn , listen and engage in the literature they love best. Our major aim is to promote, inspire, and make you do something with the gift of words you have been given...

   The club is opened to anyone anywhere in the world, who wants to add more to their reading and writing experiences. This place is a place of mentor-ship, where  aspiring writers, or writers with their first manuscript can find how others who are published reached those heights...

  We use our twitter handle :@pearlslitclub to retweet writing opportunities, and what is happening in the literary world. 

  Again, we are also here to help the artists and photographers express their new inspiration through their paintings and works...

  This club is opened worldwide. It is managed by Dyke Williams, the Publisher of Pearls Magazine in Nigeria, who is an author and published poet, whose poems appear on reviews, anthologies, and has been awarded seven times for his literature. More on Dyke Williams and how his poetry book can be bought are on  his Author's blog here: http://dykedikewilliams.wordpress.com/about/

If you chose to belong here, it's because you belong here, so you are welcome on board, hear, read and be heard.


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