Friday 4 April 2014

Poetry: Christena AV Williams

 In three words

I could try to look up a thousand words to express my love
I could quote every Romantic verse
I could induce you into a fantasy and every adventure
Like pirates, I could travel the ends of the earth trying to find another
Pearl like you but I chose
Three words to reflect my moon light Heart
I could try to impress you with different languages
Welcome me warmly in three words I say
I Love You.

Talk Shakespeare to me

Thouest my love
Flattering like a sparrow
Chirp and sing melodies
Then thou art take this love
Let us travel like travelling musicians
Breaking down China’s wall
Rebuilding Berlin
Asleep we lie in the king’s palace
Take this heart
As if, we were Romeo and Juliet
Underlying passion
If we must die
I wish to die in love
Holding you with clutch hands
Like sinking titanic
In my winter’s heart
Take me into a trance
Like a summer’s night dream.
Author's Biography

Christena AV Williams is a young Jamaican poet & Author of newly published collection of poetry, “Pearls among Stones” She is a radical thinker and this poet is in international anthologies, literary sites and the local newspaper Gleaner. She can be contacted via email

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