Thursday 3 April 2014

Book Review : The Impossible is Possible by John Mason.

TITLE: The Impossible is Possible
AUTHOR: John Mason
PAGES: 197
TAGS: Self development, Inspirational, Motivational.

The Impossible is possible.

Dr. Mike Murdock commented on John Mason: “When John Mason speaks, millions listen…”  No wonder Mason’s books have sold over 1.3 million copies, and have been translated in twenty different languages. The impossible is possible is a book that remains evergreen because of its usefulness to both the present and coming generations of people, who must be faced with the complexities of life!
His blend of inspirational language, and quotes from prominent people who have crossed their own hurdles, makes the book a must-read. From the first nugget; ‘Safety Last’, to the last one, he takes the reader into an obvious journey of life, and the attitude to withstand the storms life must throw at us.

In the introduction, John Mason made it clear that men and women, who overcome the impossibilities of yesterday, are people of possibilities today, through the first sentence that goes thus; “almost everything we enjoy today was impossible yesterday”. 
As the reader continues to read, he or she will find the book impossible to put down. Because one will begin to be inspired, counseled, and fortified to try a new project that may have been considered impossible.

Quoting the likes of Dr. Mike Murdock, George Bernard Shaw, Martin Luther King Jnr, D.L.Moody, Billy Graham, Oswald Chambers, and William Shakespeare, including hundreds of great men and women, Poets, Writers, Thinkers and many who succeeded in their fields. His blend of quotes and simple prose makes...

 The full article was published on pearls e-magazine, on our April 2014 edition. To get the full review and buy the e-magazine, send a message to, and send $2  and email to the Paypal of the Editor of Pearls Literary Club here:

1 comment:

  1. One of the great book ever touched me like that...Awesome to read such melody words
